Dinner Theater: Glenwood Vaudeville Revue

Dinner Theater: Glenwood Vaudeville Revue

915 Grand Ave
Glenwood Springs, CO 81601

ABOUT Dinner Theater: Glenwood Vaudeville Revue

The Glenwood Vaudeville Revue is a pub-style dinner theater that features two hours of family entertainment. Shows run every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, throughout most of the year. Dining choices are sold a la carte and include appetizers, entrees, and desserts catered from local restaurants. A full-service bar is also available. The Glenwood Vaudeville Revue is located in the old Springs Theater and is ADA compatible.


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Visit Glenwood Springs

Hanging Lake Trail is closed for bridge replacements and rockfall mitigation. Check back for trail reopening dates. 

 Visit the Hanging Lake page HERE for more information and the booking portal. 

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